Monday, March 2, 2009

Sick(s) Sense

It's like that terrible movie starring Haley Joel Osment and Bruce Willis, Sixth Sense (1999). Since then Haley Joel has been arrested for a DUI, driving what appeared to be his Mom's Saturn, but that's not really the point. Women know when men are getting attention from other women, they feel it like Haley Joel sees dead people. How can they tell? It's like girls/women can sense when I'm allocating my attention to other women. I'm not even talking about "cheating." I'm just talking about wasting hours on end with a particular girl, and then she looks into your eyes and reaches into your soul, which inconveniently displays your recent cell phone call log. The scariest part is that she didn't even need to look into my eyes. She knew. She's Ms. Cleo. Get the hell out of my head. I told you before - I bore easily and I have the attention span a gnat. If you keep mind-f*cking me, I'll have to be completely honest with you, and neither of us wants that.


  1. Hahaha. I'll tell you what's hilarious! This is the best birthday gift I've ever gotten. Flippin' Meal Matrix. Are you serious?

  2. You're terrible at being Catholic.
