Friday, April 24, 2009

City Time

Time is such an abstract concept. I'm not the only person to ever think about a specific dynamic related to time, but I have been thinking a lot about it recently. It's been described more precisely and better by others, and I'm not even willing to enter that competition, but the following is how I have reduced time in my head lately.

Sure, the seconds flutter away into minutes. The minutes sweep across the face of a clock into hours. The hours fade into sunrises and sunsets. Time - it's constantly moving, but I take comfort in the regularity of the progress.

In the city people are always racing against time, moving in a choreographed ballet along the sidewalks. They embrace the concept of perpetual motion and appear to be moving in a controlled rush to get somewhere. However, time slows to a snail's pace with regards to relationships. It isn't uncommon to meet a woman in her mid-thirties, who is unwed (read, single) and appears to be content. Maybe she hides it well, but her suburban counterpart is sprinting to the finish line with a husband and children in her minivan to Wal-Mart. One isn't right and the other wrong, they're just different. Funny how living in a city will make you think about time.

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