Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Less Tired

"TIRED OF BEING TIRED?" is the slogan that Lance Armstrong endorsed in an add that was adjacent to the Bill Simmons article I was reading. The truth is, I can't remember the last time I wasn't tired. Tired of work. Tired of my routine. Tired of not sleeping soundly at night. Tired of my future. Sometimes I feel like this constant state of "tired" hamstrings me. I could probably be one of those famous people that gets profiled in that famous magazine that you read, if I wasn't always tired. Recently the spectrum has ranged from tired to the point of fatigued and borderline exhaustion and less tired at best. I no longer wake up feeling refreshed and eager to tackle the day. I now wake up and try to determine whether today should be a green tea or coffee day and which crutch would be more appropriate. I'm guessing this is partly attributed to the fact that I haven't exercised in a long time, but you know how that can be, so tiring. In addition to the lack of physical exertion, I haven't necessarily been eating well, but then again there's the point that I'm too tired to make anything other than pb&j. At a quarter century I'm starting to accept that maybe the best I'll ever be is less tired.


  1. there are drugs out there to become 'less tired'. i say indulge.

  2. I think being "less tired" is more of a mental state of being and not necessarily a physical one.
