Friday, August 14, 2009

Study Habits

Confession: In approximately two weeks I will commence studying for the GMAT. I realize this is a complete 180 degree turn from my prior stance on the merits of business school in this type of economic climate. I also realize that my life will become unavoidably depressing in upcoming days, but maybe I like that. Maybe I take comfort in sulking. Maybe I'm just masochistic, or more accurately find pleasure in the torture.

I keep telling myself that I need to hit the reset on this Nintendo game that is my life, and studying for this test appears to be a logical first step. There is only one problem. I have no idea how to go about studying. I haven't formulated a plan, and as you well know, without a plan there can be no attack. I didn't exactly own the SATs, and I'm positive that scoring above 700 will take nothing short of an act of God. So in preparation of my, well, preparation, I've been obsessing over GMAT blogs and forums, which only adds to this nauseating feeling that is festering in the pit of my stomach. Surprised aren't you? My obsessive and neurotic behavior rules the day, yet again.

At least after this 3-4 month process I'll be able to rule some options out. If I score over a 700, I will continue the process of applying to business school. If I don't score quite as well, I'll just scrap the whole idea and start again from scratch. What can I say? I'm a slave to futility.


  1. Forget B school.
    Focus on your real goals of becoming a kept man.

  2. GMAT blogs and forums? Why does that remind me of someone...
