Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Bloggers' Dilemma

The author is more than mindful that this blog is closer to the scribblings of a schizophrenic than meaningful prose and is grateful for his readership. He has recently been toiling with the notion of "acceptable boundaries." While he realizes that there is a certain unspoken code of conduct that all bloggers but the lowest-form-of-douche (read: Tucker Max) acknowledge, he is fired by the prospect of recording the minutes from nightly bar conversations across Manhattan. The author is aware that this cements his fate and that writing this will handicap many current and potential relationships, but he's so selfish that he feels compelled to write. He understands that people who know him will place him on the same level as a narc, but he is confident that his moral compass will be enough to steer his rudderless boat. Oh, and he can also be bribed with beer. So when you slipped and told him that secret, he can just as quickly forget it with one or three beers.


  1. Editorial note: The author looks like a loser when he refers to himself in the third person.

  2. When used sparingly, third person proves to be quite effective. Thank you for your input. Please forward on your Excel exercise.

  3. That Excel exercise was supposed to be a secret!
