Friday, February 20, 2009

Celebrity Deathmatch

It's not about the rusty trombone, or the Cincinnati bow-tie. It's not about the butt-hole pleasures. While all of those are certainly part of it, they do not indicate the potential for a lasting relationship. No. It's the ability for two parties to fight well and make-up even better. Being with someone is generally easy. They make you a better person, and you tend to rub off on them in a positive manner. When things are going well they are easy and everything is so simple. Your compatibility and relationship become tested at the first sign of a squall. The name calling commences, each individual points to an insignificant detail that preceded the others that was so obviously the source of the argument, the frustration mounts, and typing in CAPS lock becomes necessary.

I don't fight well. If my clay-mation figure was featured in Celebrity Deathmatch I'd undoubtedly grab any prop and or weapon to be sure to decapitate the other figurine. When I argue and fight it's no-holds-barred (so now you know). I punch below the belt (metaphorically speaking) and even bring up dead issues out of left field. Truth is, I hate fighting and look to avoid conflict at every turn; some say I'm a pussy, but I prefer pacifist . Sometimes it's inevitable. At 24, I've realized that I'm as mature as a 16 year old girl, who pouts when she doesn't get a pony for her sweet 16. My new measuring stick for relationships is my willingness to fight, and then resolve the issue. I'm usually quick to deliver a swift and decisive blow, but I'm as quick to apologize and point out that it's foolish to fight (just a waste of time and energy), and suggest moving on. Sometimes quarrels are an opportunity, a point to start over and create new and stronger foundations. Sometimes they indicate that differences can't be reconciled and the two parties fool each other into make-up sex and never see each other again.

Fighting is inevitable. It's how you deal with it that determines whether you want to or will spend significant amounts of time with the other.

*It should be noted that fighting with males is not really what this post is about, because if you piss a guy off he'll talk all sorts of junk to you/walk away/punch you in the face - and it's usually over.

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