Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Habits Cont'd.

I recently posted about pb&j, smoking drugs, and friendships. That entry generated a lot of buzz from the four of you that read and bother to comment. Your initial responses labeled me as a cliche, as you focused on the girl that taught me how to make the perfect pb&j. You accused me of using the blog, to be so very 2003 and emo, essentially claiming this blog was my boom-box from Say Anything. I hadn't considered that, but now that I mull over the facts I concede all of you were right. When I wrote the entry I thought it was about saying goodbye to habits including: the way I thought of conventional lunch, toking, college, friends, and this girl in particular.

So did she ever see the post and what happened? After a few readers begged to know what happened with the girl, I decided to send "Old Habits" directly to her. I'm sure she really didn't understand it at first and wasn't concerned with pb&j, but she humored me and read the entire thing. She started a dialog shortly after. She confessed to being aware of the blog and even mentioned that she occasionally searched for posts about the devil, assuming I'd take any opportunity I could to bash her. Her response? "Accept." Then she proceeded to suggest that RENEG was properly spelled RENEGE. I'm happy to say that we have recently reconciled our differences and bogged down our brains with alcohol to ensure that it would stick. Today she is editor in chief for the S.A. (the reason that my thoughts are decipherable).

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