Monday, February 9, 2009

Flower Arrangements

Completely disconnected, sitting in a trance and paralyzed by disbelief. The only discernible noise is the air as it passes through the ducts, despite the peripheral sight of jaws of friends and family moving. Words pass from lips and are heard, but their meaning is lost on account of the preoccupation. People are just making noise because they're frightened by the silence, to be left alone with their thoughts is haunting or maybe they think the situation calls for a distraction. It's incomprehensible how people could be so lighthearted, laughing, joking and solely concerned about the meal that follows. Maybe sending flowers was sufficient, intent on sending the most ostentatious arrangement. Their presence is so perverse. It's gut-wrenching. Finally, when all the tears have dried and the room is surveyed, those that are left in black are the people that matter the most and there is an inescapable smile that can be seen, because that's what he lived for.

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