Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Williamsburg & Envy

I envy you. It's because you do something you enjoy. There is glory in struggling to pursue a passion. Being a starving artist means you remain a purist and are unwilling to sell out to the man (or you have absolutely no talent, but I'd rather perpetuate this quixotic notion). You're one of the few people that is actually doing what they set out to do as a five year old. I'm certain I never intended to be writing for a financial services company, but then the lure of Wall Street clouded my judgment. I'm not bitter. I think it's great that your trust fund affords you your studio in Williamsburg and the time to "create." And when the public doesn't receive your art, or your writing, or your music, it was because it was too original and too real. There's no way such simple-minded plebians could possibly comprehend your work. To gain mass appeal was never the objective. I get it. If people consume it, then you have failed.

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