Thursday, January 8, 2009

Book Review

Skinny Bitch, the accomplished writings of Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin, is a must-read. It's no wonder that such brilliant minds of our time, like Victoria "Posh" Beckham have been photographed in L.A., not with children in hand, but grasping Skinny Bitch. Freedman and Barnouin have masticated centuries of science pertaining, but not limited to: nutrition, health, and body chemistry; and masterfully regurgitate the relevant bits into the readers mouth for simple digestion, much like an eagle feeding its offspring. The two discuss the economics of eating and the conspiracy theories behind the attempts of certain food industries and special interest groups to actually sell food in a devilish plot to turn a profit, almost as if it was a missing scene in Oliver Stone's movie devoted to ulterior motives - JFK (1991). They provide a completely unbiased view of healthy eating, advocate positive and healthy lifestyle changes, and don't (wink wink) pimp the benefits of vegetarianism and veganism. The writing is sophisticated and should be considered along the same vein as Shakespearean prose, "Yeah, eating onions and garlic makes your breath smell like someone took a shit down your throat"(177). After reading the book it's easy to comprehend why it was a #1 New York Times Bestseller, let alone every UES girl's Bible. Really, who doesn't want to be a skinny bitch?

Skinny Bitch
is just further justification for me never wanting to bring a tiny S.A. cherub into this backwards world. Not because it was written, but because it was so well received by the ignorant masses.

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